Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Licensing of electronic resources: some current hot topics

O'Malley, K. (2014). Digital privacy proposal hits the Commons floor.  CBC.

E-books and public libraries

Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) (2014). CULC/CBUC work on eBooks and Public Libraries.

In brief: should libraries be able to buy and lend e-books as they have always done with print books?

EBLIDA (2014). Right to e-read campaign.

University of Alberta Libraries (2014). Statement of principle on non-disclosure clauses in licenses.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Resources of interest

The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Copyright and Legal Matters website is a good one to skim to get an idea of library advocacy at an international level in this area. http://www.ifla.org/clm 

So is the Canadian Library Association Copyright Information page http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Copyright_Information 

Canadian Association of University Teachers Intellectual Property page

Victoria Owen (IFLA) and Jamie Love (Knowledge Ecology International) interviews at the World Intellectual Property Organization (8 mins / 10 mins). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfsRx5F90NE&list=PLLw9jWaZPEpwn4uxZ82zxUXz9-cS-0WIM

Bjiuralism - this uO news item provides a quick summary of Canada's unusual bijural approach to civil law (French civil law in Québec, English common law in the rest of Canada), from a recent talk at uO by Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps .

Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) Model Licenses.

Electronic Frontier Foundation - International page (includes intellectual property and privacy issues). https://www.eff.org/issues/international 

Copyright for Librarians - free course materials thanks to the Berkman Center and EIFL